Equity is about universal ideas of retention, fairness, well-being, and accountability in the workplace. That was the key message about which I spoke to some 300 economic geologists at the annual meeting of the Society of Economic Geologists in London this week.
The organizers of the meeting invited me not only to give a talk but also to have open conversations with the Society’s leadership and members about how their field is faring with diversity, equity, and inclusion, and new actions they can take into the future. I was encouraged by how many members shared their struggles and successes in science with me, despite us only just meeting.
My conversations mirrored much of what I discovered in writing my new book, Women in Science Now, about many of the obstacles that continue to impede women’s advancement in their scientific careers. But those I spoke with were also optimistic about the changes they are seeing and resolute in their determination to continue to effect positive change.
As I told the audience in my talk, workplaces and educational institutions can start anywhere to help boost equity and inclusion, and a wealth of research in the social sciences is providing pointers on best practices. I am looking forward to continue sharing what I have learned with as many groups of scientists as I can. Onward!